Subject Verb Agreement Practice Teenage Dream

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar rule that requires a match between the subject of a sentence and the verb that follows it. This rule is essential in conveying clear and concise sentences that are easy to understand. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement practice using the popular song “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry.

The song “Teenage Dream” is an excellent tool for practicing subject-verb agreement because of its straightforward and repetitive lyrics. Let`s take a look at the first verse of the song:

“You think I`m pretty without any makeup on

You think I`m funny when I tell the punch line wrong

I know you get me, so I`ll let my walls come down, down”

The subject of the first sentence is “You,” and the verb is “think.” The subject and verb agree in number, as both are singular. Similarly, the subject of the second sentence is “You,” and the verb is “think.” Again, the subject and verb agree in number. In the third sentence, the subject is “I,” and the verb is “know.” Once again, the subject and verb agree in number.

Let`s move on to the chorus of the song:

“Let`s go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love

We can dance until we die

You and I, we`ll be young forever”

The subject of the first sentence is “We,” and the verb is “go.” The subject and verb agree in number, as both are plural. In the second sentence, the subject is “We,” and the verb is “can dance.” Again, the subject and verb agree in number. In the last sentence, the subject is “You and I,” and the verb is “will be.” Both the subject and verb agree in number, as they are both plural.

It`s easy to see how subject-verb agreement can impact the clarity of your writing. By practicing subject-verb agreement, you can improve the readability and comprehensibility of your written work. The “Teenage Dream” song is a fun way to practice this essential grammar rule. So, next time you listen to the song, pay attention to the subject-verb agreement, and you`ll be a grammar pro in no time.